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Other Ways to Give

Donor Advised Funds

Some of our donors have established a donor-advised charitable fund (Fidelity Charitable ®, Vanguard Charitable ®, Schwab Charitable ® or other) and have a strong desire to support VOX through an annual gift and/or a legacy gift.


You can direct that your donor-advised charitable fund be distributed, in full, to VOX after your lifetime. Or, you can name specific charities and choose a dollar or percentage amount to be distributed over a certain time or until the account balance becomes zero.

Charitable IRA Roll Over

When you create your legacy gift with a charitable IRA rollover, you receive tax advantages, and you help 'give women voice' for years to come.


Benefits include:

  • Avoid paying tax on your required minimum distribution this year. The distribution will not count as taxable income for this year, helping keep you in a lower tax bracket.

  • The transfer is not subject to limitations on itemized deductions.

  • Enjoy a quick and easy estate tax reduction.


To qualify:

  • You must be 70 ½ years old or older by year-end

  • The distribution must be directly to the Center from your plan trustee

  • The maximum contribution amount each year is $100,000 ($200,000 per couple)

  • Your transfer must be received by the last day of the calendar year


If you’re interested in this popular way to support the Center, download a sample letter for your IRA administrator here.

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