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VOX Femina Music Education Programs

The Music Education program was a long-hoped-for goal initiated during the 2016-2017 school year with the objectives of offering free music programming to under-resourced students; introducing students to the choral art form; and paving the way for the next generation of choral music lovers. These programs have since grown in scope and reach, serving over 1400 students in 14 public schools during the pre-pandemic school year with its five-tiered program.


VOX currently offers the following programming to interested schools and students:


Open Dress Rehearsal

Justice Choir Program

High School Treble Choir Festival

Choir Mentorship

Choral Scholar Program

Curated Digital Concerts

Open Dress

Open Dress Rehearsal

VOX's Open Dress Rehearsal allows high school students the rare chance for a behind the scenes look at the final rehearsal before a VOX concert. Students will attend an evening rehearsal at VOX's performance venue, including a 30 minute "pre-concert" talk with VOX singer and musicologist Marcela Pan about the repertoire they will hear, and watching VOX Founding Artistic Director Dr. Iris S. Levine work with singers, instrumentalists, and the production team to ensure a spectacular final performance!​


VOX's 2024 Open Dress Rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, October 29th from 6:30pm-8:30pm

at Zipper Concert Hall at the Colburn School in downtown LA.


If you are interested in bringing your students to this event, please complete the registration form HERE

by Friday, September 27th, 2024.

Justice Choir

Justice Choir Program

The Justice Choir program, designed for Middle and High School students, offers a unique opportunity to sing and explore songs through a social justice lens. Cultivating creativity and critical thinking through singing, body percussion, student-led discussions, and exploration of today's essential issues, students with no previous musical experience develop a deeper understanding of musical content and context. Built on the foundation of the Justice Choir Songbook, students' work culminates with a unifying performance that includes all schools enrolled in the program. This 12-week program is available for in-school or after-school sessions.


If you are interested in finding out more about the Justice Choir Program or bringing it to your school, click HERE.

Choir Festival

Radiant Voices Treble Choir Festival

VOX's Radiant Voices Treble Choir Festival offers high school treble choirs the opportunity to perform a 15-minute set of repertoire for a panel of adjudicators. Each choir receives constructive feedback from the adjudicators, followed by a clinic to perfect musical elements from their performance. The festival takes place at First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, and culminates in a “group sing” with members of the VOX Choir.


Additionally, participating schools can have VOX's Founding Artistic Director, Dr. Iris S. Levine, or Associate Conductor, Lori Marie Rios, present a clinic with students in the fall semester in preparation for the festival.


For more information, or to register your high school choir for the 2025 Festival,

please click HERE.

Choir Mentorship

Choir Mentorship Program

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VOX offers its Choir Mentorship Program to middle and high school choirs, featuring a choral clinic and free attendance at a VOX concert. This program allows existing school choirs to explore their music under the direction of VOX’s Artistic Director and/or Associate Conductor. It provides a wealth of new experiences and insights, opening up exciting possibilities for singers to engage beyond their school choir experience.

Associate Conductor Lori Marie Rios with students from New Village Girls Academy.

For more information on the Choir Mentorship program, please contact VOX's Education Program Administrator


Choral Scholars

Choral Scholar Program

VOX’s Choral Scholar Program offers qualified high school applicants the opportunity to rehearse and perform with VOX, including one-on-one mentorship by VOX’s Assistant Conductor for 12 weeks. Participation in VOX’s June concert marks the culmination of the program. 


This is an extraordinary opportunity for young singers to learn from top professionals in the field, to rehearse and perform side-by-side with some of LA's finest choral singers, and to perform in a professional venue in front of hundreds of appreciative audience members. Participants receive a certificate of completion and letters of recommendation for college applications.

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Associate conductor Lori Marie Rios with the VOX 2019 Choral Scholars

"It was wonderful from start to finish! VOX rehearsals were the most efficiently and expertly run practices I've ever experienced and also the most fun, and that's a balance that VOX, and especially Iris, has shown me is attainable. I'm a better person and singer for having been surrounded by such awesome, talented, kind women!” 
-Lucy Brooke, Choral Scholar

If you are interested in learning more about the Choral Scholar Program,

please click HERE for application forms and more information. 


2025 Application Deadline: Monday, March 3rd at 5PM

Curated Concerts

Curated Concerts - Digital Content for the Classroom

Teachers: Looking for classroom content to share with your students? Need something for the sub to do while you're away? VOX provides themed, curated choral concerts with study guides and built in discussion questions to make your life easier!


To view a recent Study Guide, click HERE.


For more information on VOX's digital content, including the curated concerts, please contact VOX's Administrative Coordinator at

We are so grateful to the following organizations for the support of our Music Education programs:

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